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Application Deadline: Friday, May 2, 2025 11:59 PM EST

Before you begin, please review what you'll need for the application:

1. Meet the program requirements.*

2. Gather some materials:

  • High-Res Headshot
  • Short Professional Bio (100 word count)

3. Share your experience and perspectives by answering three questions in 250 words or less:

  • Personal Background - Tell us about you and how your identity has influenced your career.
  • Professional Background - Please provide a brief description of your career, your achievements, and your experience.
  • How do you think participating in the ADCOLOR LEADERS program will most impact your career development?
  • What changes do you envision making in the industry as an inclusive leader?


We recommend you prepare your answers and materials in advance of your submission. Incomplete applications will not be considered.



All selected ADCOLOR LEADERS must meet all of the following criteria:

1. 15+ years of experience in the creative/communications industry.

2. Available to attend in-person programming for LEADERS and the 2025 ADCOLOR Conference and Awards on November 10-14, 2025.



We are committed to providing an application process that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of technology or ability. We understand everyone has different needs and approaches to completing forms.

If you require an alternate submission format, such as pdf, video or audio, please contact leaders@adcolor.org to discuss.


Check our FAQ page for additional information on our LEADERS program: http://adcolor.org/leaders/.